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Transcribing speech expression by means of experimental typefaces. Visual prosody to show the expression of theatre texts

Vanhoutteghem, Liesa
Master of Arts in Visual Arts

Abstract :
Visualizing expressive speech through typography is a challenge. Written text has no indication of the expression speech holds, as if it conveys a monotone. That expression is a major part of theatre and verbal performances, but it doesn’t show on the scripts. This article presents a method to visualize expression present in speech and transfer it to text. Typographic design parameters were designed. To visualize duration a horizontal extension was implemented. Loudness was reflected in the outward expanding of the typeface and pitch by the gradual upward shifting of the lettershapes. This way an extra layer of information was added to the text resulting in a richer typographic language. After that, typefaces no longer represent a monotone but a livelier, expressive version that doesn’t only enrich the typographic field, but also the graphic design in general due to the visual qualities of the typeface that becomes an identity. This design research into visual prosody provides a concept for future designers to explore when transcribing speech for different target audiences and different graphic design purposes.

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If you want to cite this thesis in your own thesis, paper, or report, use this format (APA):

Vanhoutteghem, L. (2018). Transcribing speech expression by means of experimental typefaces. Visual prosody to show the expression of theatre texts. Unpublished thesis, Hogeschool PXL, PXL-MAD.
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