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COTDES. Design systems and narrative values of the Tengwar scripts as common features to later designed cotdes

Rommen, Kayra
Master of Arts in Visual Arts

Abstract :
This typographic design research is about constructed scripts, specifically storytelling-based constructed scripts. Because the world of constructed scripts is a broad spectrum of type design that goes in many different directions, from political ideologies and communication enhancements, a term has been designed to solely refer to storytelling (narrative and entertainment) constructed scripts; cotdes. Cotdes are of great interest to enthusiasts of the stories they are used in, proving they are an important feature of fiction storytelling. However, they are rarely addressed from a design research perspective. Taking a design research approach to analyze cotdes can assist in pinpointing the typographic elements that carry the most impact and effectively enhance the story. Cotdes is a small but significant design choice made in the world of storytelling. By implementing a script into a story, the audience can connect to different creatures and makes the world more approachable. Scripts are a way to create familiarity in an otherwise unknown world.
In this research design choices have been found that are recurrent in cotdes design. Famous existing cotdes have been analyzed to understand what these recurrent features are. Out of these recurring features a system was created to manage the cotdes creation process. The parameters that were identified are of two types: parameters for conceptualization and parameters for creation. Within the parameters of creation, a gamification aspect will be introduced. This gamification aspect goes hand in hand with the storytelling aspect of cotdesses starting point, inspired by the Dungeons and Dragons way of storytelling and use of restrictions. This will provide an element of arbitrary influence within the design choice-making process.

The conceptualization and gamification of the cotdes creation will exist as a system that will help participants of the system in creating their own cotdes. The system will give the fantasy lover an opportunity to immerse themselves even more in a constructed world through typography.

A possible continuation of this research project is by building an archive utilizing the results collected from fantasy enthusiasts, who will also participate in the final testing phase. With this, possible reverse engineering can be done where the cotdes that are created can be analyzed and
provide a reflection of how the audience looks at cotdes design and how they themselves use it when offered the idea of creating one themselves.

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If you want to cite this thesis in your own thesis, paper, or report, use this format (APA):

Rommen, K. (2023). COTDES. Design systems and narrative values of the Tengwar scripts as common features to later designed cotdes. Unpublished thesis, Hogeschool PXL, PXL-MAD.
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