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Teaching systemics. Enhancing childern's learning in the foreign language classroom through the systemic approach

Ramaekers, Maxime
Professionele bachelor in het onderwijs: secundair onderwijs

Abstract :
This study is to investigate in which way the systemic approach can enhance children’s learning in the foreign language classroom. I believe an improved learning environment for pupils is an absolute must and can be created through a deeper connectedness between pupil and teacher. This will create an improving classroom environment. Pupils have strong personal needs and often deal with emotional baggage. This demands a new approach to answer to pupils’ desires for a better well-being in school. This approach will give pupils the chance to open up and to expand their learning abilities.

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If you want to cite this thesis in your own thesis, paper, or report, use this format (APA):

Ramaekers, M. (2017). Teaching systemics. Enhancing childern's learning in the foreign language classroom through the systemic approach. Unpublished thesis, Hogeschool PXL, PXL-Education.
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