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About space and identity. A visualization of European identity with jewellery

Konschake, Maria
Master of Arts in Visual Arts

Abstract :
„About space and identity" is a visualization of European cultural identity within the field of jewellery. It deals with the rooms, areas, zones and districts of European history and scrutinizes the connection between jewellery and cultural identity, or rather the suitability of jewellery as a means of visualizing cultural and political content. Engaging with places of memory, or better with the space of these places, means engaging with cultural memory.

For the visualization of the European cultural memory, 5 points of view were developed. They show not only the plurality of the cultural memory, but also visualize the European struggle between unity and diversity. Furthermore, they illustrate the different facets of the history of the continent. In relation to each of these five points of view, a work has been created that expresses ideas related to important places in Europe.

„Vergessen" is a series of unwearable marble brooch objects that remind us of the things we lost.
„Prägung" is a single pendant that relates to the things that shaped us.
„Abgrund" is the abyss. The object refers to the lowest point we have ever reached in European history.
„Abbild" is our portrait. The row of rings and the wall object visualize the permanence of the building as an observer of time.
„Hoffnung" is hope. The cup series refers to the positive, shared vision of a European future.

The aim was to create objects that show that jewellery is the ideal medium for dealing with identity. This could only be partially achieved. The fact that many are only body-related and not wearable shows that jewellery cannot always reflect every facet of identity.

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Konschake, M. (2020). About space and identity. A visualization of European identity with jewellery . Unpublished thesis, Hogeschool PXL, PXL-MAD.
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