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Compassionate Communication. Improving Communication Skills in the Classroom

Klok, Charlotte
Professionele bachelor in het onderwijs: secundair onderwijs

Abstract :
What is a healthy and compassionate way of communicating? The theoretical part of this work will mostly consist of answering the following questions: What is important to talk about? What can help pupils and teachers deal with everyday situations?

In other words: How can we give teachers and students in secondary schools the tools they need to work with compassionate communication in and out of the classroom? This is the main question I want to answer. I want to apply this theory to the class context in a way that helps both teachers and pupils create a strong learning environment that enhances both the well-being and involvement of everyone working together in the classroom.

The next step will be to implement these tools during English class. I plan on working out guidelines that grant teachers an easy way to implement this way of communicating in their English lessons. How can we implement compassionate communication within the subject-specific objectives of EFL classes?

This will hopefully serve as a stepping stone for every teacher that wants to use these materials and implement them in their own course or subject.

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If you want to cite this thesis in your own thesis, paper, or report, use this format (APA):

Klok, C. (2016). Compassionate Communication. Improving Communication Skills in the Classroom. Unpublished thesis, Hogeschool PXL, PXL-Education.
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