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No one chooses to be a refugee

Cazzaniga, Elisa
Master of Arts in de beeldende kunsten

Abstract :
This project aims to represent, in a metaphorical form, some of the aspects that migrants are forced to live on their journey to a safer place and to trigger empathy in the occidental society, which is increasingly used to think of the worst of everything without getting informed first.
The body of work, through the use of objects, symbols, and jewellery, is an attempt to identify with people who are often rejected by society; by interacting, and wearing the pieces, it is possible to find out how migrants and refugees might feel and how we should behave accordingly.
This article discusses the migratory movement of recent years, its causes and the social consequences on the European continent. Then it will be analysed the possibility of transmitting this data through the use of specific materials and symbols, having as inspiration the work of artists who have distinguished themselves for their engagement in the political sphere. Then, a consideration on the function of the jewel: if It is the ideal medium or not of the concept, having a direct connection with the world of politics, but also some artistic limits.

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Cazzaniga, E. (2019). No one chooses to be a refugee. Unpublished thesis, Hogeschool PXL, PXL-MAD.
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