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Smartboardlessen. Travel English

Faes, Sanne
Professionele bachelor in het onderwijs: secundair onderwijs

Abstract :
My thesis contains SMARTboard lessons about functions. Using a digital board is a really fun way of teaching. It is a bit difficult in the beginning and it takes a lot of work, but once you get the hang of it, it’s like your second nature. Why do you have to make SMARTboard lessons? Because it’s an innovative way of teaching and it’s very interesting for the pupils.

Children of this generation like innovative Technology. When you use that technology you will easily get your pupils’ attention. When you use SMARTboard, You can do a lot of interactive exercises with your pupils and you don’t have to write on the blackboard. This gives you more time to help the pupils.

I chose to integrate function lessons into SMARTboard because communication with other people in the English speaking world is a basic element of learning a language. Therefor I chose ten functions which first and second year pupils need when they go on holiday.

My lessons contain a variety of interactive exercises e.g. speaking assignments, pair work, role play, games,… The lessons often start with a movie clip, which attracts pupils’ attention.

I was able to teach three SMARTboard lessons during teaching practice. It was a positive experience because the pupils co-operated really well. They weren’t afraid to make mistakes and tried to answer all the questions in English. I noticed the pupils were much more involved in these SMARTboard lessons than in other lessons.

After reading this thesis, I hope you are motivated to make SMARTboard lessons yourself. After a while it isn’t going to be a lot of work anymore and you can use them over and over again, it never gets old. The key is to make the SMARTboard lesson as interactive as possible. This will really benefit your lesson and the connection to the pupils. Pupils who learn a lot in a fun way will respect their teacher because they will know when you put a lot of effort in your lessons.

I hope I got you motivated, because it’s really worth the effort!

Good luck!

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Faes, S. (2014). Smartboardlessen. Travel English. Unpublished thesis, Hogeschool PXL, PXL-Education.
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