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Perception and reality

Timkova-Liakhovska, Olha
International Master of Arts in Visual Arts

Abstract :
This project is about perception and illusions that can distort it. As a method, I chose optical illusions that literally reflect this problem. As a material, I chose glass, the optical properties of which give a large number of possibilities in this area. In my jewelry, I try to show that not everything that we see is in reality.
To do this, I use enlarging and reducing lenses, glass objects of various shapes and textures, fused crystal, etc.
In this study, I have made a list of illusions commonly used in art that can be used with glass. I found examples among jewelers who use illusions in their work. Also, I studied contemporary glass artists who work with properties that create illusions. I analyzed the possibilities of the material, made some tests, made samples. Defined the basic shapes for glass needed for the effects. Made designs for each individual piece of glass to make the illusion visible. I tried to make the pieces interacting with the background, light, and environment in order to distort them. Illusions become visible when interacting with the wearer's clothing, the metal structures themselves, and the objects with which the wearer interacts.
These pieces show optical tricks playing on our perception. They show tricks of light. Grab the attention of the wearer and a viewer. Jewels a bit triggering and confusing.

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Timkova-Liakhovska, O. (2021). Perception and reality. Unpublished thesis, Hogeschool PXL, PXL-MAD.
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